Webinar and Discussion: Innovating in an Emergency: How COVID-19 is Impacting Drug Development now...and beyond

This webinar took place on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 12:30pm EST.

Please click below to view the recording.

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The National Public Health Emergency created by COVID-19 has resulted in a titanic shift around drug development and the ability to maintain continuity of clinical trials. Changes to laws and regulations coming from Congress, CMS, OIG, and FDA are rapid-fire and ever-evolving, raising a host of questions about how to implement innovative drug development programs compliantly and effectively.

Join us as Tommy Miller, Sr. Counsel and Life Science Lead at Nixon Law Group, speaks with industry experts, John Lazo and Nikki Hastings, about how the global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pharmaceutical drug development. The panel will discuss how innovators are responding to the pandemic through new tests, devices and therapeutics and how the drug development ecosystem can implement "lessons learned" to help us better prepare for the future of drug discovery.


Tommy Miller

Sr. Counsel, Life Science Lead @Nixon Law Group, PLLC

Thomas “Tommy” E. Miller, Esq. is Senior Counsel and leads the Life Science and BioTech practice of NLG. He comes to the firm with a decade of corporate and regulatory experience serving healthcare innovators, providing guidance both as outside counsel and in-house at global pharmaceutical companies. His background in life sciences and FDA issues are integral to the NLG’s innovate life sciences, biotech, and healthtech clients.


Nikki Hastings

Executive Director, CvilleBioHub @Owner, MAVN

Nikki has helped launch successful area bio technology businesses by focusing on the business side of the industry, even though her undergraduate degree and doctorate are both in biomedical engineering. Hastings leads the Cville Bio Hub in its effort to support the area’s more than 50 biotechnology companies as well as entrepreneurs moving research out of the laboratory and into the marketplace and attracting other firms to the region. As the owner of MAVN, Nikki also engages with early stage or high growth potential companies to advance and grow a sustainable biotech ecosystem.


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John Lazo

Chief Scientific Officer, KeViRx; Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacology at UVA @Founder, Virginia Drug Discovery Consortium

John brings decades of experience in drug discovery and starting pharmaceutical companies to the Commonwealth of Virginia. John is a Harrison Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Chemistry and the Associate Director for Basic Science at the UVA Cancer Center, University of Virginia. There he operates a lab as part of the Fiske Drug Discovery Laboratory that focuses its research on the mechanism of action and of resistance to novel and existing anticancer agents. John in a founder the Virginia Drug Discovery Consortium and current founder an president of KeViRx, an early stage drug discovery company whose mission is to advance new anticancer therapeutics to clinical testing.
