Nixon Gwilt Law

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HIPAA "Straight Talk" with Nixon Law Group

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Rebecca E. Gwilt, Esq. partners with Professional Risk Associates on "HIPAA in the Real World" Lunch and Learn

Healthcare providers in today's environment are dependent upon health information technology like electronic health records, cloud-based billing and practice management solutions, and mobile devices, like laptops and iPads, to run their practices. The reliability and security of this technology is key to both operations and compliance. However, physicians aren't IT professionals, and practice managers are security specialists. So how do they manage compliance risks without cutting into resources needed to provide patient care? On Tuesday, April 26, 2016, Rebecca E. Gwilt, Esq. and Joan Kassell, MLIS, CPIA will meet with Virginia practitioners to discuss what the data shows are the most common sources of health data breaches and OCR settlements. The data reveals that there are a few simple steps any physician can take to protect their practice and patients and to begin to build a robust compliance program. Topics will include (1) realistic threats to healthcare practices, (2) breaches in the real world and what they tell us, and (3) reducing the likelihood a breach will bury your practice. Joan will be speaking about how practices can utilize cyber and other policies to shield themselves from the negative consequences of a breach.

There are limited seats available. If you would like to attend, click here.